You are a leader. In normal times you have enough to do to keep your eye on strategic goals, identify and take advantage of opportunities and attain financial goals, all the while supporting, motivating and inspiring your people. Then comes the pandemic, creating new challenges overnight, from ensuring safety to moving your business online and navigating the online work world (with all that entails) in an endlessly VUCA business and private situation. And in many cases, with contracts canceled, supply chains disrupted, consumption reduced and seemingly no end in sight, you are spending your time just trying to save what you can.
It is not surprising if you say you have no bandwidth for “optional” things, such as preparing for a post-pandemic world or completely rethinking how you mobilize your resources and run your business, let alone spending tight liquidity on anything “non-essential” concerning staff.
However, precisely the dramatic situation described above calls for different thinking! In a world in which you can never know where the next volcanic eruption will take place, probably one of the most important things you can do is to find out how to release the maximum potential available in your enterprise so that when the unexpected occurs you can respond quickly and effectively. Finding that out requires taking stock of where your company or organization is now, what strengths you can count on – and where the real risks and challenges lie. With that knowledge, you can set about preparing the company to capably and sustainably meet whatever challenges the future has in store for you!
With so much at stake, can you really afford not to do so?