Reavis is an American with two decades of experience working in Europe; she has worked in senior positions and held Managing Directorships for large concerns including the UN and a financial institution.
The most obvious reason for a misunderstanding with a colleague or business contact from another country is that the cultural norms in his/her country are different from those in one’s own. However, this is merely the tip of the iceberg. In fact, culture manifests itself in very different ways. Company culture has almost as much…
When we are most frustrated with other people, we have a wonderful opportunity to learn something about ourselves. A disorganized staff member? An arrogant client? An unreliable colleague? Often what we bitterly criticize in others reflects most strongly our own inner fears and doubts. And usually it is either what we most fear in ourselves…
We hope you will enjoy our new corporate video:
My question/challenge to politicians: How can you personally help create the paradigm shift necessary to attain real participation from the German “Mittelstand” or mid-market companies in supporting development work around the globe? Let me explain my question.
This may sound rhetorical, but it is sincere. I was recently thinking about the elaborate schemes the EU (and other donors) have for selecting who carries out their projects.
Anyone who has been involved in development can rattle off a list of failed projects or initiatives which not only didn’t meet the needs they were intended to address but actually had seriously damaging unintended consequences. While a few mistakes are inevitable and one should look at the whole picture, it is important to examine…
In the previous blog, the main challenges to effective donor coordination were discussed. With the growth in numbers and complexity of the donors, getting a handle on coordination will require more targeted efforts and difficult decisions on the part of donors and their partner countries. For the beginnings of a solution, let’s look at what…
In the beginning of September a group of experts, politicians, journalists, former Ambassadors and others with long experience in the “development scene” published the “Bonner Aufruf” or Bonn Call to Action for a new and different development policy. This document has kicked up a major storm in German development circles. The German Development Ministry immediately…
If one assumes that donors are above all committed to poverty reduction and improving the lives of the populations in their target countries, it would seem logical to think that they would have a strong interest in closely coordinating their activities, in the aim of increased efficiency and impact. However, in spite of significant efforts,…
People generally agree that many projects are not as good as they could be. One reason for this which has not been mentioned in previous blog entries lies in the indirect or direct contribution that some “development” activities make to the economies of the donor countries.