Reavis is an American with two decades of experience working in Europe; she has worked in senior positions and held Managing Directorships for large concerns including the UN and a financial institution.

Is your corporate governance designed to invite dissent?

The distribution of decision rights, authority, and resource control is the essence of governance design. The aim is to ensure successful execution of strategy with sustained integrity. And in this context, virtually every executive will claim to want honest, open debate – and be upset if important facts are withheld. However, all too often, resource…

Strengthening Resilience – on both the personal and company levels

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines resilience as “the quality of being able to return quickly to a previous good condition after problems”. This simple description belies the challenge many individuals and enterprises are experiencing at a time of widespread uncertainty and in the face of multiple, self-compounding “problems”.  But it provides a good starting point…

Webinars zum Thema Unternehmerische Resilienz!

Völlig unerwartet und beispiellos erleben viele Unternehmen die aktuelle Krise und deren Auswirkungen auf die Märkte und die eigene Organisation. Führungskräfte stehen vor der Frage: Warum und vor allem wie gelingt es manchen Unternehmen immer wieder, großen Herausforderungen und Krisen zu trotzen, während andere drohen, daran zu zerbrechen? Zukunftsfähige Unternehmen zeichnen sich durch eine ganz besondere…

How do Good Organizations achieve Greatness?

What is greatness in an Organization? It goes way beyond good figures and a solid bottom line, important as these are. Greatness in an organization can be seen in its outstanding performance in terms of people, potential, transparency, agency, governance, lived values and sustainability, all of which will be reflected in its unique, individual culture.…